
Malawi’s newest hub: Logos Open Culture re-opens The Culture Lab in Lilongwe

Logos Open Culture has reopened The Culture Lab. The hub is a place to work, create and share on the Malawi story.

The hub is in the grounds of the beautifully crafted Four Seasons Nursery. As we continue to set up the space, we are open Monday to Friday, 8.30am-4pm.

The hub will host its first event at the end of July with Professor Yusuf M. Juwayeyi, who will be in conversation about his work and latest book, Archaeology and Oral Tradition in Malawi: Origins and Early History of the Chewa. The book is available at our bookshop Chambo Market.

In August, we will host our second event titled “(Un)planning Lilongwe”, discussing the history of the city and the impact of over- and under-planning. Watch this space.

Find us at Four Seasons. When you enter the main gate, take the road right and drive 100m and we are the first building on the right. Parking outside and take the short walk down the path between the ponytail palms and Chitimbi trees.